wowza it's september! the best month for realising & feeling dread at how much of the year has already passed!

Day 16 ✦ 2. September
I think it's kinda funny how over the course of 2 months i've only managed to work for like.. 2 weeks total, i'm not sad about it at all, im rather proud of it because honestly it's more than i expected I could do, but I feel like any neurotypical person would throw rocks at me for this
anyways I haven't really done much lately, i've been mostly bedbound the last couple months (since at least May technically but we ball) and I haven't had much motivation to work on anything besides doodles/thinking really hard about the project bcs I havent had the chance to get any serotonin from my hyperfix to actually have the energy to do any work, but I'm hopeful that'll change again soon-ish :) maybe
anyhow enough of my blabbering, i'm not really expecting to get very much done this month (i'd rather surprise myself by doing more than i expected than setting the bar too high and falling short time and time again) so all i'm really planning on doing this month is something really really small like a single tile on my test dungeon tilemap or something? perhaps some writing? I feel like writing today!
The plan is just something really simple and easy, like baby steps easy, like a small child or perhaps a chihuahua could do it if they really tried kind of easy :)