whoa, it's august! i should make one of those like challenge month names up, like inktober... devlogust i dont fucking know
ANYWAYS so many things to do so much to make so much to get silly with, we continue exactly where we left off last month;
Day 10 ✦ 1. August
I kind of did this last night (i think), but who cares, i made the camera kinda follow the mouse? not fully just enough to kinda be able to look around without making everything look very static, and I think i succeeded in that!
currently my highest priority is just doing sprites, which i could do anytime i am just. terrified. like looking at a mighty beast i must slay, mainly because ive never done it before and i fear being stuck on this forever
but hey, never starting is the best way to be stuck forever, so i'll have to just power through at some point
I'm also really thinking i'd like to have some manner of dash, for crossing small gaps in dungeons, perhaps i'll make it an unlockable upgrade

Day 11 ✦ 4. August
It's all going a bit slow but we're back in business, sadly I am just stuck doing art at the minute and I need to learn more actual coding skills but we're getting somewhere :)
Realized today I havent pushed a git update in a full week and the passage of time scares me so here I am
Fleshed out/made concepts for the main antagonist today (unicorn antagonist my fucking beloved), and some other characters motivations, also made some concept art for what might become the game cover later on :)
And some stuff from the past week, namely new placeholder map (deleted the assets not made by me for the most part), new player portrait for the dialogue scenes (with the new design), and tinkered around with some stuff I didnt like very much

Me and Morro had an epiphany about the game's title holy moly.. evermoor... evermore.... turn the double o's into the infinity sign... i could explode

Day 12 ✦ 5. August
I have a mighty headache today, but i'm working on idle sprites (halfway done) and movement state machines (to switch between idle animations and running and all that) & also the main menu! Feels kind of important to have that
Day 13 ✦ 7. August
It's kinda late and i'm real sleeby but i made a biiig list of just... data that'll be important to track later on! it's going to make my life a whole lot easier the second i start wanting to actually make stuff
it basically just tracks a bunch of stuff, like how many of a certain kind of enemy you've defeated, how many times you've died, whether you've defeated a boss or not, which npcs are in your village, which upgrades you've collected, all that jazz

Day 14 ✦ 9. August
Big progress on the programming side of things! I added a state machine which basically just means the game knows whether its ingame or in the main menu now! This way I can fix some errors I had earlier like ingame time starting *before* you actually start the game
Also, added stats to the player character, added a levelling system (to be expanded a bit) & a state machine to the player to check if theyre in a dungeon or in the overworld
since movement in the overworld is open and not restricted by turns, and in the dungeons it's turn based + you can only move one tile, i need to control these separately and I need the code to know what state it's currently supposed to be in :)
Day 15 ✦ 18. August
HIII i havent forgotten about this i promise, MH:Rise just has me in a chokehold right now, I made an inventory UI and i'm working on getting it to work, I just have to learn more coding and im putting it off bcs its lame and cringe /j